When clients wish to find the location of one of your stores, a typical behavior is to use Internet search engines: they type your company’s name and a town. Depending on the contents of these search results, this is a unique opportunity to distribute relevant information to your target. Very often, these searches lead to websites that are a kind of directory that can even include advertisements from your competitors.
So, how do you develop a strategy that helps you to get a good placement, not only to be found by your clients but also to give them relevant information?
Surely if you have these goals it means your business has a large enough number of stores or retailers to justify the need of a map-based locator with individual pages for each store or retailer.
This will also allow you to add structured data, called schema, on each page.
These data are easily interpreted by search engine robots, and they help to boost your website’s placement and page rank in the results listing.